Welcome to Hope Baptist Church Romulus

At Hope Baptist Church, we are committed to declaring that Jesus Christ is more desirable than all the pleasures of the world.



Church-Wide Bible Reading!

Join us in reading the bible through in 2025! Just 4 chapters, 20 minutes a day! Starting January 1!

Men’s Prayer Meeting

Men's Prayer Meeting - Sunday mornings at 9:30 and Sunday evenings at 5:30

Next Service Starts In








Service Times


Nursery provided for infants and children through age 3 years

Armed security detail for all services

SUNDAY 10:00 AM – Sunday School A class for every age! 11:00 AM – Morning Worship 6:00 PM – Evening Service

WEDNESDAY 7:00 PM – Bible Study & Prayer Meeting

You will always receive a warm welcome when you worship in our family friendly Church.
Hope Baptist Church is an evangelistic, bible-preaching, missionary-minded church finding hope in Jesus Christ, our Lord, and Saviour. We believe that church is not a building, but the people who attend. We seek not only to minister to the people but to equip each one to live a life that ministers to others.


30025 King Rd
Romulus, Michigan 48174

(734) 782-4233